Tuesday 14 May 2013

Utopia/Dystopia Game Idea

 In order to gain a greater understanding of utopias/dystopia's we were given a task to create a game (using any game space we please) with the main theme being either utopian or dystopian. 

A lot of peoples game ideas seem to merge into one as it's very difficult to determine the difference between a utopia and a dystopia due to the fact that utopia's are ideals are therefore cannot actually exist. 

We drafted out many ideas for our games and then ruled out the best ones. The idea was mainly a collaborative effort, however there were some ideas which were down to individuals in the group. 

The ideas which i came up with myself were: the character having to make choices in the game and those choices impacting the intensity of the dystopia's, a part of the characters main background story, the idea and design for the psycho meter, health bar design, some of the enemy designs, some of the level concepts. 

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